Saturday, June 6, 2009

Week 25

This week Caleb and I had our first shower. My work gave me a shower on our half day last Thursday. They were already going to have a luncheon, it turned into a luncheon for us!! There was a big cake, paper mache stork pinata carrying a baby "peanut", and lots of gifts! What great friends!

Baby's crown to rump length is 23 cm or 9 inches. Baby weighs about 700-800 grams or 1.5-1.75 pounds.
Baby's total length (head to toe) is approximately 11 inches.
Baby's brain looks like a mature brain now.
Alveoli appear in the lungs and begin producing surfactant.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Week 24

This week grandma and grandpa came to help with the nursery. Grandma had to come now because she is going for a month to visit Emily and Nathan's families on the east coast. And then I am going to Arizona. It was fun.
At church, grandma got to feel Caleb kick my stomach. He was kicking all over during church this week. High, low, in the middle! It was so all over, I couldn't help daddy find the kicks!
We painted the walls blue. Grandma and grandpa brought a crib. I think it looks great. We hope you like it, Caleb!

Week 24:
Baby's crown to rump length is 22 cm or 8.7 inches. Baby weighs about 600-700 grams or 1.3-1.5 pounds
Baby's eye is completely developed and will open soon.
Baby's skin is red and wrinkled.

Weeks 22 and 23

So little Caleb is getting on a schedule. He doesn't like to eat a lot at night. I often have no appetite, get heart burn, or just can't eat in the evening. Sometimes I just have a glass of milk. And I am dead exhausted way earlier than I ever used to be. In the mornings I am ravenous. And this boy has me waking up really early every day. He is an early riser!! I wake up before 6 without an alarm all the time.

Dad is feeling Caleb's kicks all the time now. We sit and watch and see the kicks on the outside of my stomach as well.

I have been gaining much slower. I have still gained about 31 pounds. I feel better since I had gained so much so fast, and it is very steady now. I am sure there will be a big growth spurt.

One day my stomach was feeling so much pressure. I felt like I had been pushing out my stomach all day, but I wasn't. I could just feel it stretching, like the muscles were sore.

Week 22:
Baby's crown to rump length is 20 cm or 7.9 inches. Baby weighs about 425-500 grams or 15 ounces -1.1 pounds.
Baby is starting to make antibodies.
Dad may be able to see or feel baby's movements.
Baby's heartbeat is getting stronger.
Week 23:
Baby's crown to rump length is 21 cm or 8.3 inches. Baby weighs about 500-600 grams or 1.1-1.3 pounds
Baby's lungs are developing. Alveoli are forming.
Baby has developed a hand grip reflex and startle reflex.
Baby is getting bigger and has less space to move around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 21

This week daddy and I were saying hi to you. I was trying to see if you would kick your daddy's hand. But first he saw you kick! Then later he felt you kick for the first time also! It was so cool! Later that night he went to work and I saw a big kick on my belly. Peanut has moved off my tailbone and it isn't hurting so bad.

We called my parents and told them what we think your name will be.
Caleb Bruce Mosley

Baby's crown to rump length is 19 cm or 7.5 inches.
Baby weighs about 350-425 grams or 12.3-15 ounces.
Baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are growing.
Baby's total length (head to toe) is approximately 10 inches.
Baby now sleeps and wakes on a somewhat regular schedule.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Week 20

This week I started feeling the baby move more! A lot more often. Not really hard kicks or anything. Just little nudges. Peanut is laying real low! I am still having some tail bone back pain.

During this week I got rear ended on the freeway. Luckily after a few hours I was able to get into hear your heart beat, Peanut. The rate was going strong at 153! Whew! I had been feeling baby move all day, and after the accident felt nothing, so hearing that heart beat was great!!

This week:
Baby's crown to rump length is 18 cm or 7 inches.
Baby weighs about 300-350 grams or 10.5-12.3 ounces.
Vernix, a white lanolin-like covering, appears on baby to protect its skin.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Week 19

This week after finding out we have a boy, we hit up a giant community garage sale. We got lots of great deals on clothes and toys!!! I have got it all organized so far. No decorations yet, mom is going to come do that!! Lots of this was the stuff given to me also. Can you tell my boy has a mom who loves shoes??

I have been feeling good. I definitely look pregnant now! I get comments from people. A bunch of my former students parents have stopped me and said congrats. I had some cramping for two days straight, think my boy is growing some more!! Besides a few aches and pains, all is well! I feel the baby move every few days.

A few things about week 19..
Baby's crown to rump length is 16 cm or 6.3 inches. Baby weighs about 300 grams or 10.5 ounces.
Fetal heartbeat can be heard with fetoscope.
Baby's skin becomes less transparent.
Baby can grasp things.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 18

I love week 18!!!!!!!!!!! We found out on 4/14 that Peanut is a boy. I posted info on our family blog. He is 10 ounces already, above the average 8 ounces. He also is tall. They said by his measurements that they would have thought he was 20 weeks. He was moving around so much they didn't get a good profile shot. I felt him kick a couple of times the other day after I had some spicy chips.

I am still up 19 pounds. Haven't gained in awhile, so I am not that much higher than average any more like I used to be.

Here are some other facts about this you can see, Peanut is bigger than average...
Baby's crown to rump length is 15 cm or 6 inches.
Baby weighs about 250 grams or 8.5 ounces.
Baby is sucking and swallowing.
Baby can hear you.

And here is the new belly shot!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 17

The big news is.....I FELT PEANUT MOVE!!!!

At 17 weeks, 6 days, in the middle of the night I was laying on my side, but turned halfway on to my stomach. I was putting a little pressure on my left side. Well, I felt a poke from inside. Then another one! Then some little flutters. Then it felt like the baby did a flip!!!!!!!!! I couldn't sleep for awhile and kept pushing my belly to see if I could feel it again.

The next day during jury duty I leaned forward in my chair, and I felt the poke again. And then a couple of times again.

This is what happened with Peanut this week:
Baby's crown to rump length is 13.5 cm or 5.3 inches. Baby weighs about 150-200 grams or 5.3-7.0 ounces.
Fine hair called lanugo is starting to appear.
Baby's fingerprints and toeprints are forming.
Baby's teeth beginning to form enamel.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 16

So, my weight gain kind of worries me, but my doctor has yet to say anything. I have gained almost 20 pounds already. I don't eat THAT much! Maybe it is 3 weeks of sitting on the jury and not running around teaching all day! Other than that, nothing really has changed! Still waiting to feel Peanut moving around in there and counting down days until we know if there will be a pink or blue wardrobe!

What happened this week:
Baby's crown to rump length is 11 or 12 cm or 5 inches. Baby weighs about 100-150 grams or 3.5-5.3 ounces.
Baby's eyes and ears are in their proper place now.
Baby's circulatory system is completely functional.
Baby's sweat glands are developing.

My 16 week belly!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 15

So this week I experienced my first round ligament pain. I was scared I hurt Peanut because I had moved a bed from one room to another the night before. The other day I rolled over and had the sharpest pain ever for a few seconds. I thought it was from moving the bed, but I remembered hearing something about round ligament pain. I looked it up, and I recognized the symptoms. It hasn't happened again, but it was brutal!

I started Peanut's room. I put in all the furniture I have been given. I also sorted clothes I already have by size and put them on the shelves. I can't wait until I know what colors I can start decorating with!

I have been in maternity pants for awhile, but I have now worn some tops too. I haven't really gained weight anymore. My stomach got a tad bigger. Nothing really too different is going on! Still just extra tired! Just counting down until April 14th!

What happened this week:
Baby's crown to rump length is 10-11 cm or 4-4.3 inches. Baby weighs about 100 grams or 3.5 ounces.
Baby may be sucking its thumb.
You may be starting to feel baby move now.
Baby's sex is distinguishable now.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week 14

I had a month check up with the OB. I got to hear your heart beat again Peanut. This time is was 158. We also could hear you punching and kicking in there! It was good to hear! We are at a stage where I don't feel pregnant, and I haven't gotten any bigger really. So it was nice to check in on you and hear you!
Other people due in Sept. have said that they are feeling their baby move. I am not feeling it yet, and I know that is normal. My Dr. said it will be awhile. But I lay there at night, just waiting to feel something! I know it will be a few weeks, but I can't wait! Daddy has the flu, and we are praying that it doesn't get passed on! It would not be good for us, Peanut!
You are going to be a lucky baby. You will be one of very few who sits on jury duty. Mom spent most of week 14 in jury selection, and got picked. So the next 3-4 weeks we will be in court every day.

Baby's crown to rump length is 9-10 cm or 3.5-4.0 inches. Baby weighs about 50 grams or 1.75 ounces.
Baby begins to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid (practicing breathing).
Baby has meconium present in the intestines now.

Hmmm. Does the bump look any bigger?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week 13

So this week I sneezed. OH MY GOSH! It hurt so bad! Like a severe cramp! It was not a good time!I had read on the pregnancy message boards about some girl saying they had sneezed and it hurt. Now I know what they were talking about! Not too much else went on this week. My weight has stayed the same for a long time. The head aches are gone! Yeah!

Here is what went on with Peanut this week.
Baby's crown to rump length is 7-9 cm or 3.0-3.5 inches. Baby weighs about 35 grams or 1.25 ounces.
Baby's tooth sockets are forming.
Baby's hair follicles develop.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weeks 11 and 12

This week was pretty good! I am feeling a little less tired. I had one rough night with some sickness, and nothing I ate agreed with me. I have been getting some pretty bad headaches. That is no fun. I am wondering if it is because I stopped going to the chiropractor recently.
So even though I don't know what you are Peanut, I got you some great clothes for dirt cheap!!!! I can save the clothes that end up being wrong for gifts. Everyone is so excited about you Peanut! We can't wait to meet you! Here was what was going on this week!
Baby's crown to rump length is 3-5 cm or 1.2-2.0 inches. Baby weighs about 8 grams.
Baby's fingers and toes begin growing soft nails.
Baby's intestines are developing.
Baby's bladder sac is formed.

Week 12:
Peanut we saw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was with the ultrasound tech and listened to your heartbeat, it was 167. You were moving around your arms a lot. As soon as daddy walked in, you did a big wave! I loved it! We also saw you yawn and hiccup! It was so cute!!! You are 2 and a half inches long. We are going to find out if you are a girl or boy on April 14th. I had a couple of headaches this week, but now they are stopping. I read some other ladies due in September were starting to feel their babies flutter, and they said it happened when they laid down at night. So I tried to feel you in there Peanut, I was laying still, but I don't feel you. I know you are moving around a lot, so hopefully soon. I can't wait for you to kick me for the first time!
Week 12 developments:
Baby's crown to rump length is 5-6 cm or 2.0-2.4 inches. Baby weighs about 14 grams or 0.5 ounces.
Baby's skin is pink and delicate.
Baby is making hormones such as insulin now.
Baby's liver is producing bile.

Week 11:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 10

I went to the Dr. this week. He reviewed all my blood tests with me. Good news! Still no anemia again. I have already been exposed to rubella and chicken pox (I knew that one with out blood test) so I am safe. Dr. said they can be deadly when pregnant. I get to go for ultrasound on Mar. 3rd. Since I have gained 11 pounds I want him to check for 2. I know there is probably only 1, but it is an excuse to get a sooner look at Peanut!
I have been feeling pretty good. I am sleeping better. I am less tired than I was. I didn't feel any morning sickness. I did get a killer cold the whole President's Day weekend. I had a really bad sore throat, cough, congestion, and all. I managed to get through it without taking anything. I am paranoid about medicine! I also have been a little less cranky with my students! I was REALLY not wanting to be there for the last couple of weeks!

What went on with Peanut this week:

Baby's crown to rump length is 2.5-3.0 cm or 1.2 inches. Baby weighs about 3-5 grams or .25 ounces.
All organ systems and external structures are present now.
Baby's head is almost half of your baby's size.
Your baby's face is well formed.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 9

This week not much happened. I stayed at being up around 10 pounds. I have been feeling a little better. A little less tired. Not sick at all. I am pretty much in maternity pants now. I can't pull of any of my old pants. I am ok with my shirts still.

These are some baby facts from this week:

Baby's crown to rump length is 20 mm or 0.75 inches. Baby weighs about 2 grams.
Baby's muscles in trunk, limbs, and head are developing.
Development of heart is complete.
Your baby very clearly looks like a baby now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Belly at 9 weeks 4 Days

Week 8

This week I did have a night and the next day of morning sickness!! Daddy and I got some crackers and ginger ale at the store. I have been taking extra vitamin B and I have been feeling much better. I have been going to the chiropractor and my back has been feeling much better also!

I can't wear any of my old jeans, and just a few of my slacks! I am growing fast!

These are the things that happened this week:
Baby's crown to rump length is 12 mm or 0.50 inches. Baby weighs about 1 gram.
Baby's external ears are developing
Baby's optic nerve and eyelids are developing.
Baby's arms and legs are moving now.

Week 7

Today starts week 7! Yeah!
Today, Geno, dad's coworker said I was glowing, a pregnancy glow!
I wish I could see your heart beat again!
Today other people are starting to notice the baby bump! Lots of people at work made comments!
Today I went to the nurse at the Dr. office. She just got my health history and game me some magazines. I found out your heart beat last week was 160.

The calendar said that this week your bones begin to form. And your mouth, nose, and lips are recognizable.

Week 6

Around today your heart started beating!
Peanut, today we saw your heart beat!!!! It was so amazing! Daddy came with me to the doctor. You are 5 millimeters. It was so awesome to see your heart flicker on the screen. I am getting more bloodwork done. I am so happy to get a picture of you!
Today your face, ears, and eyes are starting to form.

So things have been pretty much the same this week! Just a little more tired, more hungry, and more and more excited!

Week 5

I got you some cute Halloween and Thanksgiving outfits on clearance for $2.99. My back is hurting a bit and I am quite tired! But you are worth it!
I definitely saw a bump today in the skirt I wore to church. We only found out about you eight days ago, but it seems like much longer. You are all I think about, Peanut!
I got my blood test results. It all looks good. I am still not anemic anymore! That is very good news! Looks like I have beat that one!
1/13 I have gained 6 pounds! I am so hungry all the time. You are hungry, Peanut!! I get you hear your heartbeat in one week! yeah!
I think I got hit with a little morning sickness tonight! I was driving and started feeling so sick for about 10 minutes that I thought I was going to have to pull over!
Then it went away! Tonight I found you some of the cutest Christmas outfits on sale for your first Christmas!
On my daily calendar it says your mouth and jaw are starting to form today!
It was a good day. I got a book called Baby Bargains to find out what good stuff to get you!

Week 4

I still have no pregnancy signs, which is good! No morning sickness! I went to church by myself because daddy had to work. They have a good news minute in Relief Society and I share that you are coming! I started getting really hungry tonight! You must already be growing lots!

This morning I woke up starving!!! I had hunger pains all morning. I told my friends at work that my kiddo is coming! They are very happy for us! I have been so excited that I can't sleep at night! I have been reading online, all the things I shouldn't eat, and so on! All the websites tell me you are due Sept. 11, 2009. I also read that you are about 1 millimeter in size and that your heart is starting to form. I am working hard to get you good foods and to take my vitamins.
Nothing much changed today. Just still hungry! I check out some books to give me info.
Nothing much today. Daddy says my belly feels harder.
Today I went to the doctor. Everything looks god so far. I am going to get blood work done. My ultrasound appointment is for Jan. 20th. I can't wait to see your heart beat!
I have gained 3 pounds in two days! I definitely see my belly getting bigger. I need to get some pants that will fit! Mine are already getting too tight! We call you Peanut. I think you are a girl, but daddy says you are a boy. You have two step brothers, so he things is going to have 3 sons! We shall see!!

Finding Out

Today I went into work to get things ready for school on Monday after winter break. All of a sudden I had a feeling due to timing that I could be pregnant. I drove to the store on the way home and bought some home tests. I called my best friend from BYU, Jennifer Tolman who lives in Boise and chatted with her. I was still talking to her while I did the test, and she didn't know. She wasn't expecting my scream when the plus sign showed up!
I found out you were coming! I felt joy, shock, awe, and wanted to scream and scream! I talked to family. I went and bought your dad a bib that said, "I Love Daddy" to let him know. I have always wanted to be a mother and I am so excited that you are coming!